Saturday, May 30, 2009

Basic information

The island krakatau is considered most likely got its name from sanskrit, but there are a few other ideas.  It comes from the word This volcano used to be a stratovolcano. Now it is a caldera that was half blown up. The child that emerged in the middle is a small, yet very active cinder cone. It formed on a subduction zone. The old volcano was about 2667 ft tall, (813m). It is located in the Sunda Straight in between the islands of Java and Sumatra on the west coast of Indonisia. The 1883 eruption caused lots of damage to the nearby islands. Fortunately for most, the real deadly volcano is extinct. It currently has a small child, the Anak Krakatau. It is dormant, but frequently erupts. The last eruption was on October 23, 2007 to August 30, 2008.

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