Saturday, May 30, 2009

1883 eruption

Many small earthquakes happened around Krakatau from the year 1877 to the year 1883, then finally in 1883 the volcano exploded. It was ten times the magnitude of Mt. St. Helens and 2,000 times the force of the largest nuclear explosion. It was heard over 2,700 miles away.  It destroyed half the island and caused unthinkable natural disasters. Ash was thrown into the sky and caused world wide temperature drop of around 3 degrees Fahrenheit.  There were a number of different characteristics including: Central vent eruption, Submarine eruption, Explosive eruption, Pyroclastic flows, Fumarolic activity, mudflow or lahars, tsunamis, debris avalanche, and eventually caldera collapse. The pyroclastic flows that were spread over 10 miles. The explosion was heard over 2,500 miles away. But the real problem was the water. This was the cause for almost all of the 36,000 deaths. It swept across Java and Sumatra, two gigantic islands and populated islands 295 towns and villages were destroyed. Water rose around the world. New York had an above average high tide an hour early. 


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